Sunday, September 7, 2008

Lady Killer

Judith Light stars as a as lady who gets bored of her husband. She has an affair with Jack Wagner, but then calls it off when she rekindles her romance with her husband. Jack freaks out and rapes her, but she doesn't turn him in because she doesn't want anyone to know about the affair. Then Jack starts dating Judith's daughter, Tracey Gold. This pushes everyone over the edge, and Jack ends up shooting Judith's husband, and then getting pushed off the top of a lighthouse by Judith and Tracey. This movie is notable for the alarming hairstyles of both Judith and Jack (Judith has a turn-of-the-century poof, much as she often did in Who's the Boss, and Jack has a bob). There's also lots of wine drinking, bubble baths, uncomfortable Judith sexytimes, and stupid therapy.

RATING: 8. This is one of the best Lifetime movies we have seen. The hair alone is worth like 6 or 7. Tracey Gold is hardly even in this thing; she's just bonus!

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