Friday, September 26, 2008

Terminology: Double-clutch

You ever find yourself having a "Lifetime Moment"? Like maybe you're opening up to your best gal-friend about that time when you were shot down by gang members, or perhaps revealing to your mother how you prostituted yourself to buy street-grade crack, or sharing a moment with anyone about anything remotely having to do with rape? Then chances are you both had a large mug of steaming hot coffee (or tea), that you were each gripping with both hands for maximum coziness. This is known as the double-clutch.

Almost any heart-to-heart scene in any Lifetime movie has a couple double-clutches. Particularly good movies will have six or seven. When discussing your favorite Lifetime movies, we suggest using this term, as it will shave valuable seconds off your conversations, seconds you could be spending watching more Lifetime movies. "Wasn't it great when mother and daughter finally double-clutched?" you'll ask. "Yes it was," your friend will respond, as she double-clutches her own large mug of steaming hot coffee (or tea).

Pictured: Random woman honing her double-clutch. Not bad, lady.

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