Monday, September 29, 2008

See Jane Run

Joanna Kerns suddenly realizes she is in a grocery store and has no idea who she is. I don't mean that in an existential-crisis kind of way, either. She has amnesia, two pockets full of cash, and a big bloody stain on the front of her dress. What's a girl to do?

The answer: get suckered back into living with her Warren Beatty lookalike husband, who is trying to "help" her get her memory back by keeping her totally doped up on pills, courtesy of his strange woman/boy assistant. It's not as complicated as it sounds: her hubby is evil, he's hiding something, and those drugs he's giving her are actually drugs that will eventually kill her.

Joanna wises up, starts pocketing the pills, and eventually escapes, when a timely head wound magically gives back all of her memories. Turns out, Warren was sexually abusing Joanna's daughter, thus the money and the blood, blah blah blah. There's a rushed conclusion where the woman/boy suddenly changes sides and becomes the star witness who sends Warren to the slammer.

It's not a very good movie, but is redeemed by two factors. 1) The woman/boy assistant is really peculiar. Is she a butchy lesbian? A forest sprite? Cute? Unappealing? It's impossible to tell. 2) While her memory is gone, Joanna is haunted by lots of bizarre dreams that over-use fog machines and wide-angle lenses to hilarious effect. Also, in these dreams, for some reason she always ends up beating the crap out of someone.

RATING: 5. I never thought I'd get to see Joanna Kerns punch so many people in my lifetime, much less a single movie.

Check out Lifetime's official See Jane Run page.

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